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Výstup k presstripu "Pivní stezky"

31.10.2019 16:32 – Ve dnech 18. - 20. 9. 2019 jsme s JCCR spolupořádali presstrip pro britského novináře Malcolma Tattersalla z časopisu "The Sun".

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To be honest, I’ve barely been without a drink since arriving in this landlocked country. For tourist chiefs in South Bohemia have organised six different Beer Routes, where you can visit 38 breweries.

 The beautiful Brewery Hluboka have been making beer since the 15th centuryThe beautiful Brewery Hluboka have been making beer since the 15th century

But first you have to understand that, unlike most British beers, Czech ones should be poured with a big “two fingers” head of creamy foam on top.

There is a complicated scientific reason for this involving carbon dioxide and something called lipid transfer protein 1. But let’s just say it makes the beer taste better.

The breweries range from giants such as Budêjovickÿ Budvar — embroiled in a 77-year worldwide battle with American “upstart” Budweiser over who owns the trademark name — to the tiny prize-winning Krajinská 27 microbrewery nearby, where they first made beer in 1482.

But while Budvar exports 70 per cent of its production to 80 countries, down the road at the Brewery Hluboka, where they have been making beer since the 15th century, owner Michael Machákovi sells 70 per cent of his four unfiltered, unpasteurised lagers in the adjoining restaurant.

 Sample some of the country's finest beer during your visit

Sample some of the country's finest beer during your visit

I tried them all over a delicious lunch of meat and dumplings before slowly strolling up the hill to Castle Hlunoká, a fairytale neo-Gothic building dating back to the 13th century.

... pokračování v odkazu výše.